Saturday, May 3, 2008

Comment Challenge

I am participating in the 31 Day Comment Challenge. The first activity is to answer a series of questions as I ahve done below:

1. How often do you comment on other blogs during a typical week?

There isn't really a typical week for me. Sometimes I comment because I feel strongly about something and sometimes it is to help someone out. Generally, though, I tend to read and not comment that often. Particularly because I think when you are new to the edublogosphere you seem to have walked in on the middle of a conversation and it takes some time before you feel comfortable sharing your ideas (just in case you are way off track!)

2.Do you track your blog comments? How? What do you do with your tracking?

Not until about ten minutes ago when I read Sue Water's post on using cocomment and have since joined up! I have also linked it by RSS to my Google Reader and will monitor it through that.

3. Do you tend to comment at the same blogs or do you try to comment on at least one new blog per week?

I randomly comment. Some people I tend to 'get' more than others in which case I am more inclined to comment. I love reading new blogs and already have about 50 connected to my reader! I am hoping this challenge will encourage me to comment more often!


Sue Waters said...

Hi Erin - Welcome to the Challenge. So that all the posts generated from the Challenge come to one location we need your post to be found by technorati. Can you get you to go to Technorati and claim your blog? You need to sign up to Technorati to do this. Once you have done this when you write posts can you tag highlighted on the challenge wiki?

I also love reading new blogs

Sue Waters said...

Oops sorry wrote the wrong message :( So many blogs to check. You have claimed your blog I just need you to log into your technorati account and ping it because it hasn't indexed your blog for 74 days.

Sarah Stewart said...

Fancy seeing you here! I have just found your blog after having 'met' you on Twitter. I am enjoying the Challenge although I have got into a little hot water over the last week for one thing and another. But all good learning!